About Janna
“A group of mental strong, physically fit and spiritually aligned people can change the world. This is what it means to be a tribe.” – Janna Breslin
As one of the most notable faces in fitness, Janna Breslin has graced the covers of fitness and fashion magazines for almost a decade. Beyond the covers, Janna is a successful entrepreneur, regenerative agriculture advocate and rancher, author and bio-optimization crusader. Along with her partner Evan, Janna has built Complete Human and Regenerative Pastures to be two of the leading health and wellness companies in the world with a mission to educate and inspire healthier people for a healthier planet.
Was this an attempt to bring meaning to a life that was nasty, brutish and short? Or was it the recognition that humans are gifted with limitless potential, and that in nature, we can find the keys to unlocking that potential in us all using The 8 Universal Truths?

The best health & fitness advice online
BE IN THE SHAPE THAT MATTERS – Years of training for bikini competitions through horrible diets, poor coaching and not listening to her body culminated in an ongoing series of health issues for Janna. True health and wellness begins on the inside. It is a lifestyle, not a destination. That lifestyle creates a body that is resilient, powerful, kinetic and joyful. Follow Janna’s training advice to help yourself get in the shape that matters.
The 8 Universal Truths?
Throughout history, almost every civilization and culture has sought to improve on the human experience, and almost all those civilizations and cultures discovered a series of laws or TRUTHS that, when followed, created an evolutionary leap forward in unlocking that human potential.

Years of a medical chronic medial issues culminated in a cancer diagnosis. Combined with a failed marriage, Janna hit rock bottom and was left searching for a way to put the pieces of her life back together As Janna began searching for answers to many of the problems she was facing, one thing became very clear. Almost every culture of civilization throughout time has sought to improve the human experience. And while many of the cultures of civilizations were separated by thousands of miles of even centuries of evolution, the end result was almost always the same. As she started to compile teachings from history, The 8 Universal Truths emerged as the foundation from which she rebuilt a life of passion and purpose.