8.The Modern Truth
The modern world is trying to kill you. You see, somewhere along the way we broke the world and it’s fighting back, with a vengeance. 2000 years ago, men and women lived more harmoniously with our planet, long before the industrial revolution and the mass pollution of Earth. The 8th and final universal truth is what I call the modern truth.
Modern science has given us a much better understanding of our bodies and what we can do to fight back against the world that is trying to kill us. As a bio-optimization crusader, I recognize that many of the modalities like supplements, cryo therapy, NAD and Stem Cell therapy that I make an integral part of my life, are no longer luxuries, but necessities. Human beings now have the ability to combat many of the problems that we have created. I highly encourage you to follow along as I uncover the Modern Truth and what we can all do to ensure healthier people and a healthier planet

The 8 Universal Truths?
Throughout history, almost every civilization and culture has sought to improve on the human experience, and almost all those civilizations and cultures discovered a series of laws or TRUTHS that, when followed, created an evolutionary leap forward in unlocking that human potential.